Stock prediction with Multivariate-LSTM
In [1]:
from google.colab import drive
Drive already mounted at /content/drive; to attempt to forcibly remount, call drive.mount("/content/drive", force_remount=True).
In [2]:
from IPython.utils import io
with io.capture_output() as captured:
!pip install yfinance
!pip install git+
import tensorflow_docs as tfdocs
import tensorflow_docs.modeling
import sklearn.preprocessing
import tensorflow as tf
import os
In [3]:
os.chdir('/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Crypto')
from data_loader import FinanceFetch
from data_process import DataPreProcess
from models_wrap import ModelsHandler
from models_dispatcher import ModelsDispatch
# see all the code here
In [4]:
ticket = "AAPL"
TicketHandler = FinanceFetch(ticket)
historical_data = TicketHandler.fetch('max', plot=True, year='2021')
In [5]:
dt = DataPreProcess(scaler=sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler, timesteps=TIMESTEPS)
scaled_data = dt.scale(data=historical_data.loc[:, ['Open','Close','Volume']],
train, test = dt.test(scaled_data, N=100)
# creating windows
X_train, y_train = dt.create_windows(train, col_x=['Open','Close','Volume'], col_y=['Close'])
X_test, y_test= dt.create_windows(test, col_x=['Open','Close','Volume'], col_y=['Close'])
Shape of transormed data: x=(10212, 20, 3), y=(10212, 1) Shape of transormed data: x=(80, 20, 3), y=(80, 1)
In [6]:
model_handler = ModelsDispatch(batch_size=32)
model = model_handler.light_dense_vanilla_LSTM(input_shape=(TIMESTEPS, 3), name='light dense vanilla_199-10lr_1')
metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.MSE, tf.keras.metrics.MAE])
model_handler.draw_model(model, ticket=ticket)
In [7]:
EPOCH = 500
early_stop=tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=50)
history_model =,
callbacks=[early_stop, tfdocs.modeling.EpochDots()],
validation_split = 0.1)
Epoch: 0, loss:0.0099, mean_absolute_error:0.0463, mean_squared_error:0.0099, val_loss:1.3241, val_mean_absolute_error:0.7494, val_mean_squared_error:1.3241, .................................................................................................... Epoch: 100, loss:0.0000, mean_absolute_error:0.0027, mean_squared_error:0.0000, val_loss:0.0055, val_mean_absolute_error:0.0475, val_mean_squared_error:0.0055, .................
In [9]:
In [15]:
best_model = model_handler.compare_eval(ticket).iloc[0]['model']
model = model_handler.load_model(ticket, best_model)
In [16]:
model_handler.plot_test_pred(model, X_test, y_test, dt.scaler_target)
In [18]:
res = model_handler.save_model_and_score(model, X_test, y_test, ticket=ticket, target_scalar=dt.scaler_target)
% Direction correct=0.6329113924050633, mse_test_mean=15.308696160605766
WARNING:absl:Found untraced functions such as lstm_cell_1_layer_call_fn, lstm_cell_1_layer_call_and_return_conditional_losses, lstm_cell_1_layer_call_fn, lstm_cell_1_layer_call_and_return_conditional_losses, lstm_cell_1_layer_call_and_return_conditional_losses while saving (showing 5 of 5). These functions will not be directly callable after loading. INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./models//AAPL/light dense vanilla 200-10lr_1.json/assets WARNING:absl:<keras.layers.recurrent.LSTMCell object at 0x7f03d7bb3f50> has the same name 'LSTMCell' as a built-in Keras object. Consider renaming <class 'keras.layers.recurrent.LSTMCell'> to avoid naming conflicts when loading with `tf.keras.models.load_model`. If renaming is not possible, pass the object in the `custom_objects` parameter of the load function.
In [17]:
all_X, all_y = dt.create_windows(scaled_data.iloc[-1000:], col_x=['Open','Close','Volume'], col_y=['Close'])
model_handler.plot_test_pred(model, all_X, all_y, dt.scaler_target, H=len(X_test), lw_1=1, lw_2=1)
Shape of transormed data: x=(980, 20, 3), y=(980, 1)
In [20]:
model | mse | mae | correct_dir | mse_mean_test | mse_std_test | |
7 | light dense vanilla 200-10lr_1 | 0.0212117 | 0.126138 | 0.632911 | 15.308696 | 15.639879 |
18 | light dense vanilla_201-10lr_1 | 0.0434222 | 0.191429 | 0.594937 | 31.374742 | 23.616368 |
13 | light vanilla 205-15lr_1 | 0.0714554 | 0.250191 | 0.564246 | 51.308984 | 35.459333 |
19 | light dense vanilla_199-10lr_1 | 0.0898177 | 0.286559 | 0.582278 | 64.799184 | 36.256184 |
12 | light vanilla 185-7lr_1 | 0.103032 | 0.308008 | 0.564246 | 74.104104 | 41.757892 |
16 | light vanilla 215-10lr_1 | 0.103675 | 0.309733 | 0.564246 | 74.537986 | 41.744812 |
3 | heavy vanilla 200-100_10_1 | 0.116483 | 0.330142 | 0.582278 | 84.600379 | 43.307695 |
15 | light vanilla 225-10lr_1 | 0.135721 | 0.357108 | 0.564246 | 97.623844 | 49.059649 |
2 | heavy vanilla 100_10_1 | 0.219492 | 0.460594 | 0.582278 | 158.573406 | 60.272696 |
10 | light vanilla 150-10lr_1 | 0.290634 | 0.529499 | 0.582278 | 208.431692 | 82.416254 |
14 | light vanilla 220-10lr_1 | 0.358054 | 0.534491 | 0.564246 | 256.491362 | 212.639571 |
5 | heavy vanilla 100-25r_10_1 | 0.375745 | 0.606192 | 0.582278 | 271.344044 | 84.345130 |
17 | light dense vanilla_205-10lr_1 | 0.415319 | 0.568618 | 0.564246 | 297.133893 | 253.476319 |
11 | light vanilla 200-20s_10s_1 | 0.664097 | 0.800117 | 0.564246 | 476.615989 | 180.834976 |
0 | bidirectional_LSTM | 0.726115 | 0.843575 | 0.582278 | 521.398706 | 157.864803 |
8 | light vanilla 30-3lr_1 | 0.824454 | 0.895981 | 0.582278 | 588.180252 | 200.044536 |
4 | heavy vanilla 200-100_50_25_10_1_dropped | 2.04147 | 1.42339 | 0.582278 | 1468.744119 | 266.175212 |
1 | heavy bidirectional 50-20_20_20_1 | 2.40076 | 1.54104 | 0.582278 | 1722.063373 | 371.600633 |
9 | light vanilla 300-3lr_1 | 2.49422 | 1.57185 | 0.582278 | 1791.837785 | 350.851445 |
6 | heavy vanilla 100-75s_10r_1 | 14.579 | 3.81233 | 0.582278 | 10474.441939 | 1181.262067 |