Convolutional Neural Network
Image classification with tensorflow and Convolutional Neural Netorks¶
Here we load the data and the rest of the code
In [ ]:
import os
import sys
import tensorflow as tf
from google.colab import drive
path = "/content/drive"
drive.mount(path, force_remount=True)
mypath = "drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification"
mydata = os.path.join(mypath, "data")
import glob
myfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(mypath, '*'))
Mounted at /content/drive ['drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/', 'drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/', 'drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/data', 'drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/__pycache__', 'drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/', 'drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/', 'drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/Image_classification.ipynb'] drive/MyDrive/colab/img_classification/data
Check if gpu is connected¶
In [ ]:
## here for rendering purpose
import pickle
import os
import glob
import cv2
import numpy as np
import random
import tensorflow as tf
def load_stl(data_path = '/data/datasets/stl10', norm=True):
def normalize(data):
data = (data / 255) - 0.5
return data
def load_data(mypath):
data = np.zeros((0, 96, 96, 3), dtype='uint8')
labels = np.zeros((0,))
for i, cla in enumerate(mypath):
filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(cla, '*.png'))
tmp_data = np.empty((len(filelist), 96, 96, 3), dtype='uint8')
tmp_labels = np.ones((len(filelist),)) * i
for j, path in enumerate(filelist):
image = cv2.imread(path)
tmp_data[j, :] = image
data = np.concatenate((data, tmp_data))
labels = np.concatenate((labels, tmp_labels))
return data, labels
train_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, 'train', '*'))
test_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, 'test', '*'))
training_data, training_labels = load_data(train_path)
test_data, test_labels = load_data(test_path)
perm = np.arange(test_data.shape[0])
perm = perm[:1000]
test_data = test_data[perm, :]
test_labels = test_labels[perm]
if norm:
training_data = normalize(training_data)
test_data = normalize(test_data)
return training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels
def load_cifar10():
def unpickle_cifar10(path):
files = glob.glob(path)
od = np.zeros((0, 32, 32, 3), dtype='uint8')
ol = np.zeros((0,))
for i in files:
with open(i, 'rb') as fo:
mydict = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes')
data = mydict[b'data']
data = data.reshape(data.shape[0], 3, 32, 32).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).astype("uint8")
labels = np.asarray(mydict[b'labels'])
od = np.concatenate((od, data))
ol = np.concatenate((ol, labels))
return od, ol
data_path = '/data/datasets/cifar10/cifar-10-batches-py'
training_data, training_labels = unpickle_cifar10(os.path.join(data_path, 'data*'))
test_data, test_labels = unpickle_cifar10(os.path.join(data_path, 'test*'))
return training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels
def load_cifar100():
def unpickle(file):
with open(file, 'rb') as fo:
mydict = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes')
data = mydict[b'data']
data = data.reshape(data.shape[0], 3, 32, 32).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).astype("uint8")
labels = np.asarray(mydict[b'coarse_labels'])
return data, labels
data_path = '/data/datasets/cifar-100-python'
training_data, training_labels = unpickle(os.path.join(data_path, 'train'))
test_data, test_labels = unpickle(os.path.join(data_path, 'test'))
return training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels
def load_visual_small(data_path='/data/datasets/visual_small'):
def load_data(mypath):
data = np.zeros((0, 150, 150, 3), dtype='uint8')
labels = np.zeros((0,))
for i, cla in enumerate(mypath):
filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(cla, '*.jpg'))
tmp_data = np.empty((len(filelist), 150, 150, 3), dtype='uint8')
tmp_labels = np.ones((len(filelist),)) * i
for j, path in enumerate(filelist):
image = cv2.imread(path)
image = cv2.resize(image, (150, 150))
tmp_data[j, :] = image
data = np.concatenate((data, tmp_data))
labels = np.concatenate((labels, tmp_labels))
return data, labels
train_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, 'train', '*'))
test_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, 'test', '*'))
training_data, training_labels = load_data(train_path)
test_data, test_labels = load_data(test_path)
return training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels
In [ ]:
import tensorflow as tf
import sys
from data_loader import load_stl
from model import Densenet, MobileNet, ResNet
from solver import ImageClassifier
def main():
if tf.test.gpu_device_name():
print('Default GPU Device: {}'.format(tf.test.gpu_device_name()))
print("Please install GPU version of TF")
training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels = load_stl()
model = ResNet()
ic = ImageClassifier(batch_size=32, epochs=100)
ic.train(training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels, model)
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
In [ ]:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
class Densenet(Model):
def __init__(self):
super(Densenet, self).__init__(trainable=True)
self.backbone = tf.keras.applications.DenseNet121(include_top=False, input_shape=[96, 96, 3])
self.final_conv = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=10, kernel_size=[3, 3], padding='valid')
self.final_flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None):
x = self.backbone(inputs)
x = self.final_conv(x)
x = self.final_flatten(x)
return x, tf.keras.activations.softmax(x)
class MobileNet(Model):
def __init__(self):
super(MobileNet, self).__init__(trainable=True)
self.backbone = tf.keras.applications.MobileNetV2(include_top=False, input_shape=[96, 96, 3])
self.final_conv = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=10, kernel_size=[3, 3], padding='valid')
self.final_flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None):
x = self.backbone(inputs)
x = self.final_conv(x)
x = self.final_flatten(x)
return x, tf.keras.activations.softmax(x)
class ResNet(Model):
def __init__(self):
super(ResNet, self).__init__(trainable=True)
self.backbone = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(include_top=False, input_shape=[96, 96, 3])
self.final_conv = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=10, kernel_size=[3, 3], padding='valid')
self.final_flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None):
x = self.backbone(inputs)
x = self.final_conv(x)
x = self.final_flatten(x)
return x, tf.keras.activations.softmax(x)
In [ ]:
import tensorflow as tf
import random
import numpy as np
class ImageClassifier():
def __init__(self, batch_size, epochs, ilr=0.0001):
self.epochs = epochs
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.initial_learning_rate = ilr
def train(self, training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels, model):
supervised_loss = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=self.initial_learning_rate)
def train_step(data, labels):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
logits, preds = model(data, training=True)
loss = supervised_loss(y_true=labels, y_pred=logits)
trainable_vars = model.trainable_variables
gradients = tape.gradient(loss, trainable_vars)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, trainable_vars))
eq = tf.equal(labels, tf.argmax(preds, -1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(eq, tf.float32)) * 100
return loss, accuracy
def test_step(data, labels):
logits, preds = model(data, training=False)
loss = supervised_loss(y_true=labels, y_pred=logits)
return loss, logits, preds
global_step = 0
best_accuracy = 0.0
for e in range(self.epochs):
## Shuffling training set
perm = np.arange(len(training_labels))
training_data = training_data[perm]
training_labels = training_labels[perm]
## Iteration
for i in range(0, len(training_labels), self.batch_size):
data = training_data[i:i+self.batch_size, :]
labels = training_labels[i:i+self.batch_size, ].astype('int64')
global_step += 1 # len(labels)
batch_loss, batch_accuracy = train_step(data, labels)
if global_step % 50 == 0:
print('[{0}-{1:03}] loss: {2:0.05}, batch_accuracy: {3:0.03}'.format(
e + 1, global_step,
if global_step == 1:
print('number of model parameters {}'.format(model.count_params()))
# Test the whole test dataset
test_preds = tf.zeros((0,), dtype=tf.int64)
total_loss = list()
for i in range(0, len(test_labels), self.batch_size):
data = test_data[i:i+self.batch_size, :]
labels = test_labels[i:i+self.batch_size, ].astype('int64')
batch_loss, _, preds = test_step(data, labels)
batch_preds = tf.argmax(preds, -1)
test_preds = tf.concat([test_preds, batch_preds], axis=0)
loss = sum(total_loss)/len(total_loss)
eq = tf.equal(test_labels, test_preds)
test_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(eq, tf.float32)) * 100
if test_accuracy > best_accuracy:
best_accuracy = test_accuracy
print('End of Epoch {0}/{1:03} -> loss: {2:0.05}, test accuracy: {3:0.03} - best accuracy: {4:0.03}'.format(
e + 1, self.epochs,
In [ ]:
import sys
# from solver import ImageClassifier
# from model import ResNet
import pickle
if tf.test.gpu_device_name():
print('Default GPU Device: {}'.format(tf.test.gpu_device_name()))
print("Please install GPU version of TF")
Default GPU Device: /device:GPU:0
Load data from the drive mydata
In [ ]:
with open(os.path.join(mydata, 'stl.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
training_data = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
training_labels = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
test_data = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
test_labels = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
print(f'Training data shape: {training_data.shape}, test data shape: {test_data.shape}')
Training data shape: (5000, 96, 96, 3), test data shape: (1000, 96, 96, 3)
Instantiate the network, the solver and perform training¶
In [ ]:
model = ResNet()
ic = ImageClassifier(batch_size=32, epochs=100)
ic.train(training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels, model)
Downloading data from 94773248/94765736 [==============================] - 1s 0us/step number of model parameters 23772042 [1-050] loss: 1.1618, batch_accuracy: 68.8 [1-100] loss: 0.56554, batch_accuracy: 84.4 [1-150] loss: 0.62058, batch_accuracy: 78.1 End of Epoch 1/100 -> loss: 3.0582, test accuracy: 10.7 - best accuracy: 10.7 [2-200] loss: 0.13438, batch_accuracy: 93.8 [2-250] loss: 0.38512, batch_accuracy: 87.5 [2-300] loss: 0.036739, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 2/100 -> loss: 2.4779, test accuracy: 11.2 - best accuracy: 11.2 [3-350] loss: 0.0037163, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [3-400] loss: 0.005563, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [3-450] loss: 0.030149, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 3/100 -> loss: 2.7729, test accuracy: 14.4 - best accuracy: 14.4 [4-500] loss: 0.0021009, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [4-550] loss: 0.013833, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [4-600] loss: 0.017271, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 4/100 -> loss: 2.8077, test accuracy: 25.9 - best accuracy: 25.9 [5-650] loss: 0.0025531, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [5-700] loss: 0.0037249, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [5-750] loss: 0.0083606, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 5/100 -> loss: 2.1405, test accuracy: 47.5 - best accuracy: 47.5 [6-800] loss: 0.0067636, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [6-850] loss: 0.0072196, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [6-900] loss: 0.004423, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 6/100 -> loss: 1.1154, test accuracy: 70.6 - best accuracy: 70.6 [7-950] loss: 0.011483, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [7-1000] loss: 0.0049225, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [7-1050] loss: 0.014598, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 7/100 -> loss: 0.6467, test accuracy: 82.9 - best accuracy: 82.9 [8-1100] loss: 0.001611, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [8-1150] loss: 7.9496e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [8-1200] loss: 0.00051048, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [8-1250] loss: 0.0049545, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 8/100 -> loss: 0.53891, test accuracy: 86.5 - best accuracy: 86.5 [9-1300] loss: 0.0011814, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [9-1350] loss: 0.049983, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [9-1400] loss: 0.027939, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 9/100 -> loss: 0.56412, test accuracy: 85.3 - best accuracy: 86.5 [10-1450] loss: 0.0022441, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [10-1500] loss: 0.036254, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [10-1550] loss: 0.006932, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 10/100 -> loss: 0.86483, test accuracy: 82.1 - best accuracy: 86.5 [11-1600] loss: 0.087986, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [11-1650] loss: 0.18709, batch_accuracy: 90.6 [11-1700] loss: 0.26655, batch_accuracy: 93.8 End of Epoch 11/100 -> loss: 1.0175, test accuracy: 80.6 - best accuracy: 86.5 [12-1750] loss: 0.14483, batch_accuracy: 93.8 [12-1800] loss: 0.0076313, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [12-1850] loss: 0.22575, batch_accuracy: 93.8 End of Epoch 12/100 -> loss: 0.6508, test accuracy: 83.9 - best accuracy: 86.5 [13-1900] loss: 0.10353, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [13-1950] loss: 0.099498, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [13-2000] loss: 0.13089, batch_accuracy: 96.9 End of Epoch 13/100 -> loss: 0.66508, test accuracy: 83.2 - best accuracy: 86.5 [14-2050] loss: 0.030181, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [14-2100] loss: 0.0061268, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [14-2150] loss: 0.0070929, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 14/100 -> loss: 0.60802, test accuracy: 84.8 - best accuracy: 86.5 [15-2200] loss: 0.0035261, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [15-2250] loss: 0.0046011, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [15-2300] loss: 0.099044, batch_accuracy: 93.8 [15-2350] loss: 0.0098661, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 15/100 -> loss: 0.53285, test accuracy: 85.8 - best accuracy: 86.5 [16-2400] loss: 0.0022657, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [16-2450] loss: 0.00071664, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [16-2500] loss: 0.0012597, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 16/100 -> loss: 0.44718, test accuracy: 87.4 - best accuracy: 87.4 [17-2550] loss: 0.0031438, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [17-2600] loss: 0.0018411, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [17-2650] loss: 0.0031068, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 17/100 -> loss: 0.47998, test accuracy: 88.0 - best accuracy: 88.0 [18-2700] loss: 0.00021323, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [18-2750] loss: 7.3521e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [18-2800] loss: 0.00017758, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 18/100 -> loss: 0.46432, test accuracy: 88.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [19-2850] loss: 0.0003346, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [19-2900] loss: 0.0013211, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [19-2950] loss: 0.0013585, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 19/100 -> loss: 0.50178, test accuracy: 87.8 - best accuracy: 88.3 [20-3000] loss: 0.00067244, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [20-3050] loss: 0.00041101, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [20-3100] loss: 0.00014497, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 20/100 -> loss: 0.4583, test accuracy: 87.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [21-3150] loss: 0.0048208, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [21-3200] loss: 0.043673, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [21-3250] loss: 0.00020083, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 21/100 -> loss: 0.68186, test accuracy: 85.2 - best accuracy: 88.3 [22-3300] loss: 0.00082463, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [22-3350] loss: 0.00021113, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [22-3400] loss: 0.030058, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [22-3450] loss: 0.098482, batch_accuracy: 96.9 End of Epoch 22/100 -> loss: 0.62557, test accuracy: 84.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [23-3500] loss: 0.015707, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [23-3550] loss: 0.00041413, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [23-3600] loss: 0.0011022, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 23/100 -> loss: 0.60242, test accuracy: 84.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [24-3650] loss: 0.00052621, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [24-3700] loss: 0.00054835, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [24-3750] loss: 0.0010864, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 24/100 -> loss: 0.56965, test accuracy: 86.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [25-3800] loss: 0.026033, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [25-3850] loss: 0.00035403, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [25-3900] loss: 0.0051908, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 25/100 -> loss: 0.84857, test accuracy: 82.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [26-3950] loss: 0.0013316, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [26-4000] loss: 0.045541, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [26-4050] loss: 0.0075176, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 26/100 -> loss: 0.64193, test accuracy: 84.6 - best accuracy: 88.3 [27-4100] loss: 0.001776, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [27-4150] loss: 0.050592, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [27-4200] loss: 0.00079038, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 27/100 -> loss: 0.81409, test accuracy: 80.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [28-4250] loss: 0.025884, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [28-4300] loss: 0.055791, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [28-4350] loss: 0.27721, batch_accuracy: 87.5 End of Epoch 28/100 -> loss: 13.119, test accuracy: 49.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [29-4400] loss: 0.46001, batch_accuracy: 90.6 [29-4450] loss: 0.24071, batch_accuracy: 87.5 [29-4500] loss: 0.28114, batch_accuracy: 90.6 [29-4550] loss: 0.18585, batch_accuracy: 90.6 End of Epoch 29/100 -> loss: 0.70831, test accuracy: 81.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [30-4600] loss: 0.0036856, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [30-4650] loss: 0.0087853, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [30-4700] loss: 0.0071221, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 30/100 -> loss: 0.55171, test accuracy: 84.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [31-4750] loss: 0.00045587, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [31-4800] loss: 0.0022662, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [31-4850] loss: 0.020216, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 31/100 -> loss: 0.72389, test accuracy: 84.4 - best accuracy: 88.3 [32-4900] loss: 0.00099202, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [32-4950] loss: 0.0018475, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [32-5000] loss: 0.04461, batch_accuracy: 96.9 End of Epoch 32/100 -> loss: 0.62957, test accuracy: 84.2 - best accuracy: 88.3 [33-5050] loss: 0.001073, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [33-5100] loss: 0.0062568, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [33-5150] loss: 0.00024773, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 33/100 -> loss: 0.57837, test accuracy: 85.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [34-5200] loss: 0.00087715, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [34-5250] loss: 0.00024628, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [34-5300] loss: 0.00027674, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 34/100 -> loss: 0.59281, test accuracy: 86.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [35-5350] loss: 0.00035691, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [35-5400] loss: 0.0010628, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [35-5450] loss: 0.00029384, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 35/100 -> loss: 0.58556, test accuracy: 87.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [36-5500] loss: 0.00014004, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [36-5550] loss: 0.0001613, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [36-5600] loss: 2.8553e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [36-5650] loss: 0.00046541, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 36/100 -> loss: 0.62339, test accuracy: 86.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [37-5700] loss: 6.4366e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [37-5750] loss: 0.00013292, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [37-5800] loss: 0.0066805, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 37/100 -> loss: 0.60773, test accuracy: 86.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [38-5850] loss: 0.00010702, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [38-5900] loss: 9.4365e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [38-5950] loss: 0.00036535, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 38/100 -> loss: 0.60558, test accuracy: 86.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [39-6000] loss: 0.0007572, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [39-6050] loss: 0.00024246, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [39-6100] loss: 0.00033057, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 39/100 -> loss: 0.57861, test accuracy: 86.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [40-6150] loss: 8.5141e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [40-6200] loss: 0.00024113, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [40-6250] loss: 0.00010836, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 40/100 -> loss: 0.58079, test accuracy: 87.4 - best accuracy: 88.3 [41-6300] loss: 2.1666e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [41-6350] loss: 7.9828e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [41-6400] loss: 3.691e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 41/100 -> loss: 0.58277, test accuracy: 87.2 - best accuracy: 88.3 [42-6450] loss: 0.00014712, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [42-6500] loss: 7.8619e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [42-6550] loss: 0.00030805, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 42/100 -> loss: 0.59597, test accuracy: 86.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [43-6600] loss: 6.157e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [43-6650] loss: 5.2198e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [43-6700] loss: 0.00011921, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [43-6750] loss: 6.6643e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 43/100 -> loss: 0.59641, test accuracy: 87.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [44-6800] loss: 0.0001534, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [44-6850] loss: 9.753e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [44-6900] loss: 1.8986e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 44/100 -> loss: 0.58655, test accuracy: 87.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [45-6950] loss: 6.2828e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [45-7000] loss: 1.8361e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [45-7050] loss: 3.4611e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 45/100 -> loss: 0.58626, test accuracy: 87.6 - best accuracy: 88.3 [46-7100] loss: 0.00024489, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [46-7150] loss: 2.9695e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [46-7200] loss: 2.8805e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 46/100 -> loss: 0.5868, test accuracy: 87.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [47-7250] loss: 4.52e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [47-7300] loss: 1.2122e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [47-7350] loss: 5.1445e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 47/100 -> loss: 0.57816, test accuracy: 87.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [48-7400] loss: 0.007227, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [48-7450] loss: 0.076734, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [48-7500] loss: 0.023738, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 48/100 -> loss: 3.0727, test accuracy: 73.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [49-7550] loss: 0.0057308, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [49-7600] loss: 0.0729, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [49-7650] loss: 0.185, batch_accuracy: 87.5 End of Epoch 49/100 -> loss: 2.718, test accuracy: 76.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [50-7700] loss: 0.053376, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [50-7750] loss: 0.00090814, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [50-7800] loss: 0.0020519, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [50-7850] loss: 0.087861, batch_accuracy: 87.5 End of Epoch 50/100 -> loss: 0.78877, test accuracy: 81.6 - best accuracy: 88.3 [51-7900] loss: 0.0017798, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [51-7950] loss: 0.22809, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [51-8000] loss: 0.15407, batch_accuracy: 96.9 End of Epoch 51/100 -> loss: 1.4392, test accuracy: 77.8 - best accuracy: 88.3 [52-8050] loss: 0.16332, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [52-8100] loss: 0.077424, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [52-8150] loss: 0.010698, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 52/100 -> loss: 0.71604, test accuracy: 83.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [53-8200] loss: 0.0041676, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [53-8250] loss: 0.018385, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [53-8300] loss: 0.025333, batch_accuracy: 96.9 End of Epoch 53/100 -> loss: 0.74429, test accuracy: 83.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [54-8350] loss: 0.0021239, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [54-8400] loss: 0.0006246, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [54-8450] loss: 0.0015241, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 54/100 -> loss: 0.58714, test accuracy: 86.4 - best accuracy: 88.3 [55-8500] loss: 0.011118, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [55-8550] loss: 0.0068855, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [55-8600] loss: 0.00039368, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 55/100 -> loss: 0.61744, test accuracy: 85.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [56-8650] loss: 0.00076348, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [56-8700] loss: 0.00011978, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [56-8750] loss: 0.00022873, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 56/100 -> loss: 0.58157, test accuracy: 86.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [57-8800] loss: 0.0003647, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [57-8850] loss: 8.1712e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [57-8900] loss: 0.00021736, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 57/100 -> loss: 0.57008, test accuracy: 86.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [58-8950] loss: 0.0014667, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [58-9000] loss: 0.0034627, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [58-9050] loss: 0.00025395, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [58-9100] loss: 0.0011444, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 58/100 -> loss: 0.57082, test accuracy: 87.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [59-9150] loss: 7.5055e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [59-9200] loss: 0.00011621, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [59-9250] loss: 3.8681e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 59/100 -> loss: 0.57481, test accuracy: 86.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [60-9300] loss: 2.8965e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [60-9350] loss: 5.6676e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [60-9400] loss: 0.00030648, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 60/100 -> loss: 0.57703, test accuracy: 86.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [61-9450] loss: 0.00010277, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [61-9500] loss: 0.00074349, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [61-9550] loss: 0.0001843, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 61/100 -> loss: 0.5726, test accuracy: 87.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [62-9600] loss: 0.00011966, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [62-9650] loss: 1.6464e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [62-9700] loss: 0.00015275, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 62/100 -> loss: 0.57727, test accuracy: 87.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [63-9750] loss: 7.0096e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [63-9800] loss: 4.1919e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [63-9850] loss: 1.5738e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 63/100 -> loss: 0.57612, test accuracy: 87.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [64-9900] loss: 5.7692e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [64-9950] loss: 0.00026749, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [64-10000] loss: 0.00072917, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 64/100 -> loss: 0.5778, test accuracy: 87.2 - best accuracy: 88.3 [65-10050] loss: 0.00011384, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [65-10100] loss: 2.9851e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [65-10150] loss: 5.7177e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [65-10200] loss: 0.00016728, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 65/100 -> loss: 0.57563, test accuracy: 87.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [66-10250] loss: 4.9562e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [66-10300] loss: 1.0989e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [66-10350] loss: 1.2151e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 66/100 -> loss: 0.58101, test accuracy: 87.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [67-10400] loss: 1.9687e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [67-10450] loss: 6.3014e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [67-10500] loss: 5.3765e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 67/100 -> loss: 0.58097, test accuracy: 87.6 - best accuracy: 88.3 [68-10550] loss: 2.8726e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [68-10600] loss: 9.2071e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [68-10650] loss: 8.4524e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 68/100 -> loss: 0.58371, test accuracy: 87.8 - best accuracy: 88.3 [69-10700] loss: 3.8258e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [69-10750] loss: 3.3005e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [69-10800] loss: 0.0001451, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 69/100 -> loss: 0.5814, test accuracy: 87.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [70-10850] loss: 4.9135e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [70-10900] loss: 6.9474e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [70-10950] loss: 1.957e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 70/100 -> loss: 0.58487, test accuracy: 87.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [71-11000] loss: 1.1093e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [71-11050] loss: 2.876e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [71-11100] loss: 0.00017237, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 71/100 -> loss: 0.58554, test accuracy: 87.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [72-11150] loss: 8.8621e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [72-11200] loss: 4.623e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [72-11250] loss: 1.5307e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [72-11300] loss: 7.9009e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 72/100 -> loss: 0.58573, test accuracy: 87.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [73-11350] loss: 1.1548e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [73-11400] loss: 6.7947e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [73-11450] loss: 2.7549e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 73/100 -> loss: 0.58707, test accuracy: 87.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [74-11500] loss: 6.6532e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [74-11550] loss: 2.8007e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [74-11600] loss: 1.3232e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 74/100 -> loss: 0.57954, test accuracy: 88.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [75-11650] loss: 0.013881, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [75-11700] loss: 0.10686, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [75-11750] loss: 0.16434, batch_accuracy: 96.9 End of Epoch 75/100 -> loss: 6.2643, test accuracy: 56.4 - best accuracy: 88.3 [76-11800] loss: 0.12258, batch_accuracy: 93.8 [76-11850] loss: 0.57097, batch_accuracy: 93.8 [76-11900] loss: 0.049826, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 76/100 -> loss: 1.1509, test accuracy: 75.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [77-11950] loss: 0.0063309, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [77-12000] loss: 0.033451, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [77-12050] loss: 0.0020035, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 77/100 -> loss: 0.8774, test accuracy: 80.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [78-12100] loss: 0.003179, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [78-12150] loss: 0.2932, batch_accuracy: 93.8 [78-12200] loss: 0.003725, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 78/100 -> loss: 0.80633, test accuracy: 82.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [79-12250] loss: 0.088071, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [79-12300] loss: 0.0085806, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [79-12350] loss: 0.0045837, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [79-12400] loss: 0.00095528, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 79/100 -> loss: 0.74874, test accuracy: 82.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [80-12450] loss: 0.00071641, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [80-12500] loss: 0.00010282, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [80-12550] loss: 0.00084829, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 80/100 -> loss: 0.79107, test accuracy: 82.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [81-12600] loss: 0.0051606, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [81-12650] loss: 0.085301, batch_accuracy: 93.8 [81-12700] loss: 0.012851, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 81/100 -> loss: 0.90386, test accuracy: 79.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [82-12750] loss: 0.0029287, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [82-12800] loss: 0.00013303, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [82-12850] loss: 0.001276, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 82/100 -> loss: 0.70592, test accuracy: 84.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [83-12900] loss: 0.00028289, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [83-12950] loss: 0.00045542, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [83-13000] loss: 0.00035251, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 83/100 -> loss: 0.7306, test accuracy: 84.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [84-13050] loss: 0.00043806, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [84-13100] loss: 0.00011244, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [84-13150] loss: 2.8178e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 84/100 -> loss: 0.77932, test accuracy: 84.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [85-13200] loss: 0.0011404, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [85-13250] loss: 0.00017412, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [85-13300] loss: 0.0037707, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 85/100 -> loss: 0.93506, test accuracy: 82.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [86-13350] loss: 0.00079819, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [86-13400] loss: 0.0016098, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [86-13450] loss: 0.01379, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [86-13500] loss: 0.00080581, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 86/100 -> loss: 0.74859, test accuracy: 83.7 - best accuracy: 88.3 [87-13550] loss: 0.00014159, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [87-13600] loss: 0.022126, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [87-13650] loss: 0.0007214, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 87/100 -> loss: 0.82437, test accuracy: 82.8 - best accuracy: 88.3 [88-13700] loss: 0.00031081, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [88-13750] loss: 0.00025751, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [88-13800] loss: 0.00020505, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 88/100 -> loss: 0.74837, test accuracy: 83.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [89-13850] loss: 0.00026881, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [89-13900] loss: 0.0010069, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [89-13950] loss: 4.0654e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 89/100 -> loss: 0.71768, test accuracy: 84.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [90-14000] loss: 5.5506e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [90-14050] loss: 0.00037507, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [90-14100] loss: 3.9302e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 90/100 -> loss: 0.69985, test accuracy: 85.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [91-14150] loss: 0.00021256, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [91-14200] loss: 0.00016279, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [91-14250] loss: 0.00036807, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 91/100 -> loss: 0.70423, test accuracy: 85.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [92-14300] loss: 7.8934e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [92-14350] loss: 0.00022027, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [92-14400] loss: 0.002423, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 92/100 -> loss: 0.8334, test accuracy: 82.8 - best accuracy: 88.3 [93-14450] loss: 0.00061748, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [93-14500] loss: 0.025021, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [93-14550] loss: 0.035677, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [93-14600] loss: 0.079671, batch_accuracy: 96.9 End of Epoch 93/100 -> loss: 4.3432, test accuracy: 70.2 - best accuracy: 88.3 [94-14650] loss: 0.013446, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [94-14700] loss: 0.008851, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [94-14750] loss: 0.012837, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 94/100 -> loss: 1.4868, test accuracy: 78.0 - best accuracy: 88.3 [95-14800] loss: 0.022551, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [95-14850] loss: 0.051763, batch_accuracy: 96.9 [95-14900] loss: 0.0070813, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 95/100 -> loss: 0.76604, test accuracy: 82.5 - best accuracy: 88.3 [96-14950] loss: 0.00037777, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [96-15000] loss: 0.0008721, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [96-15050] loss: 0.0084796, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 96/100 -> loss: 0.70851, test accuracy: 83.1 - best accuracy: 88.3 [97-15100] loss: 0.00031157, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [97-15150] loss: 0.0013247, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [97-15200] loss: 0.0005337, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 97/100 -> loss: 0.69373, test accuracy: 83.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [98-15250] loss: 0.00022284, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [98-15300] loss: 0.00071659, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [98-15350] loss: 0.00023535, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 98/100 -> loss: 0.70465, test accuracy: 83.9 - best accuracy: 88.3 [99-15400] loss: 0.00016574, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [99-15450] loss: 0.00025543, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [99-15500] loss: 0.0002386, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 99/100 -> loss: 0.7083, test accuracy: 84.3 - best accuracy: 88.3 [100-15550] loss: 2.5448e-05, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [100-15600] loss: 0.00015178, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [100-15650] loss: 9.9608e-06, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 [100-15700] loss: 0.0028883, batch_accuracy: 1e+02 End of Epoch 100/100 -> loss: 0.69954, test accuracy: 84.5 - best accuracy: 88.3